Dec 12, 20184 min readInsights from "What's Your Digital Business Model?"The opening sentence of the book, "digital transformation is not about technology; it's about change. And it is not a matter of if, but a...
Feb 4, 20183 min readSwitching costs is how to differentiate (MIT and IMD insights) In March 2018 I spent a week at IMD in Switzerland completing a joint IMD and MIT program; “Driving Strategic Innovation”. A memorable...
Jul 19, 20174 min readGuy Kawasaki; insights for everyoneGuy Kawasaki has learned from those who have participated and contributed to industry defining shifts. He was at Apple twice in his...
May 23, 20171 min readEmployee experience creates an advantageJacob Morgan is the author of the “The Employee Experience Advantage”, the book was possibly inspired by his questions to many C-level...
Feb 20, 20174 min readInnovators of past enabling our futureWalter Isaascon collated the history of the technology industry into a series of short stories in his book “The Innovators”. Here are...