This is the third blog in a series that will break out the content of "DIGITAL IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS" into bite-sized information between now and the end of 2020. The first blog was an overview of the book, here and the second being about how to categorise the work within your organisation, here.
As per a testimonial about the book; “at the heart of any positive transformation is people." After identifying and remediating the work within your organisation (blog 2), the availability of people’s time has increased. The way organisations work today is with teams of people rather than a person. The capacity of resources and their availability to a range of teams, determines how soon outcomes are realised. Here is a suggested approach;
All employees should consider their responsibilities, what is expected in the upcoming period, how is this different from this recent period?
What activities are needed to support these responsibilities? As someone perfects a responsibility, the time taken for these tasks is reduced and creates capacity.
The value, rather than the volume of activities is the focus; we want to think more and do less.
Leaders need to avoid the temptation of rewarding people who are busy on limited value-adding activities. Some of these activities, if they need to continue, must be assessed for integration into a centralised team or automated.
The objective is to have more time for initiatives, the more capacity for initiatives, the greater the potential benefit for the organisation.
Employee involvement and their choice to realign their RAI (responsibilities, activities and initiatives), is an initial step of a successful transition. A core group of early adopter employees who own and share how they have created time for initiatives will be like a fire-starter for other employees to change.
