$40 Million of Ransomware Paid for a Cyber-Attack - as a Non-Tech Exec, What Can You Do?
The MACRO Consequences of Our Low Level of Trust?
The benefits beyond emissions for NET ZERO (originally published in CEO WORLD)
Facebook this is not the first time, we all should again consider our actions (CEO WORLD)
'Finding A Better Way' in our highly interconnected and interdependent world
How a late-night in Spain originated in Finding A Better Way
S-Curves and their digital application
If you only ever read one of my blogs, this is it … what to consider for your digital business
Our new book “Finding A Better Way” has FREE advance copies available for review!
Learning from Tesla’s iteration within strategic innovation
Setting the conditions for successful Innovation
The rule of the thirds; how to assess roles in a department
Rightsizing is inevitable, here are some things to ponder
Analogies simplify complexity, ICT is like a house
Latest ANZ leaders view on Covid by Adapt