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Are You or Somebody You Know Thinking About Making a Change? PERMA Can Help ...

Almost every week, I am contacted by someone experiencing a role change imposed on them, considering changing roles, or would like to be more effective in their role.

The conversation begins at a high level, summarising what is occurring and the options. If the nature of the chat remains at that level, it feels very clinical and doesn’t serve the person I am speaking with as well as it could. In most instances, we take a holistic approach, and sometimes, the PERMA model by Martin Seligman (a forefather of Positive Psychology), based on decades of research, is beneficial.

What does PERMA incorporate?

- Positive Emotions – looking into the future with hope and enjoying the present.

- Engagement – what activities result in a person being in “flow”, being absorbed in an activity?

- Relationships – where are their strong relationships? What could be stronger?

- Meaning – when are we contributing to something greater than ourselves?

- Accomplishment – what are we doing or have completed? “I did it, and I did it well.”

As a coach (not a psychologist) who structures these conversations, I ask questions and qualify what actions a person would consider. The PERMA model helps with this.

If you know somebody undergoing change, PERMA is worth exploring, and you can read more here.

PERMA is included in my book Making Life Happen.

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