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My Learnings From Writing Three Books

As publishing of my latest book "Making Life Happen" approaches, I’m frequently asked (as I was at the same pre-publishing time of my other books):

“How do you actually write a book?”

Here are some of my tips, and insights into my writing process:

  • Firstly, you need to consider something you’re interested in or passionate about and sketch some topics on a page.

  • Try to set a word target. As a more experienced writer now, I find I can write a thousand words within a couple of hours. The content effort will be around seventy hours, once you know what you are writing, but I’ve found I have needed at least six months to elapse in order to produce something I’m proud of.

  • The writing landscape has changed since my first book, with many AI tools now available. My latest book contains many small stories from my life - AI is unable to replicate these stories, and my editor reminds me regularly that they engage the reader.

  • Upon finishing the first draft, the second half of my books is usually stronger than the first. I need to revisit the first half after my editor's initial pass to improve the text.

  • After your first book, you’ll have a team in place - being an editor, publisher, proofreader and artist for visuals (should you have these). You may also consider a public relations person; they will help amplify your book in various forums.

  • I’m yet to cover the costs of publishing a book with book sales. However, my speaking and workshop services, where concepts are applied from my books, have paid for the investment.

  • For testimonials, you can invite people to read the final manuscript. These are then added to the manuscript before printing.

  • I always self-publish, as it keeps the costs lower than a traditional publishing house, and I’ve been told you have more control.

  • Finally, my writing is a hobby. It’s something I enjoy, and this gets me through the time of doubt. Based on experience, it occurs around the 20-thousand-word mark.

It's somewhat hard to explain, but beyond all of the above, the sense of accomplishment is unique when you have a book you have written in your hands.

If you'd like to receive a PDF version of the draft manuscript for my new book "Making Life Happen", please message me.

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